It isn’t a secret that there are a lot of different methods and supplements for losing weight. Today, we will discuss one which looks stunning and different than all others. It is simply known as PhenQ and below, we will explain all you need to know.
The first thing to understand is the fact this supplement is powerful thanks to its ingredients. It is made in the United Kingdom and the United States, so safety requirements it meets are on the highest level possible.
Benefits of PhenQ
PhenQ pills are very effective thanks to the carefully chosen mixture of the ingredients. We will explain the ingredients below, but now is the moment to take a look at the main benefits. There are 5 of them and combined; they will assist you to lose weight easier than ever before. Each one is unique and offers a specific set of sub-benefits.
- Speeds up the metabolism
If we take a closer look at the ingredients, we can see that speeding up metabolism is the first benefit users will get. PhenQ is capable of increasing the thermogenic and metabolic rate of a body. In other words, the core temperature and the metabolism will go into overdrive, meaning that your body will start burning more fat.
This is a safety benefit due to the fact the thermogenic rate will be enhanced for a specific period of time. The metabolism will also be faster during a time frame that is far from harmful for the body. All of this means that there are no side effects of faster fat-burning capability.
- PhenQ hunger suppressant
The second benefit all users reported is suppressed appetite. Now, you may wonder how this is possible. A pill is small, so it can’t cause a feeling of fullness. But, the answer lies in the ingredients. Few of them will make sure your body is feeling full so you won’t have to eat as frequently as you probably eat today.
The benefit in question is more than important due to another reason. It will eliminate the risk of overeating, which is the most common reason why we gain weight in the first place.
- Improves energy level
Most supplements have the same problem. They will decrease the energy level while helping you lose weight. As the end result, you will have a lower desire to continue with the process, and you will start eating more. This is the last thing you want to do while trying to lose weight.
PhenQ works on a different method. It contains caffeine (in carefully chosen amounts) which will increase the energy level. In other words, you won’t feel down because you eat less. Caffeine also boosts your focus, so you will stay sharp through the process.
If you remember, we mentioned that the first benefit is faster metabolism. More fat our body burns, more energy it gets, so we must add that the third benefit on the list is effective due to 2 separate reasons.
- Significantly decreases fat production and storage
Our body will turn excess nutrients into fat and store it for a period of time when we may need this energy source. We all know that this will never happen, so all we get is excess weight. PhenQ contains ingredients that will boost liver function.
Researchers from the United Kingdom explained this process in detail, but we want to keep things simpler. Basically, the body will be capable of using more ingredients and decrease fat production.
At the same time, it will use more fat and eliminate excess fat daily. The bottom line is simple. Your body won’t have to produce, manage and store fat like it has to do now. We should add that this is done within safety guidelines, so there are no side effects whatsoever.
- Helps you feel better
All of you who have tried different weight loss methods know that mood is commonly linked with negative sides. Losing weight over a short period of time and changing the mechanism of the body can cause us to feel poor, helpless and even depressed. An interesting fact is that this is one of the main issues 99% of weight loss plans have! Luckily, PhenQ isn’t one of them
The supplement we are discussing will make sure your mood is even better than before the process. Once again, the power is in the ingredients which have a positive effect on the serotonin levels and decrease levels of stress hormone (cortisol).
If you want to get the best mood possible, you should pair PhenQ with exercising. You will transform how your body works from the inside and you will start feeling better, happier, and stronger within 5 days.
All of the 5 benefits mentioned above can be explained as ways how this supplement works. Just one of them won’t be very helpful in the weight-loss battle, but a combination of all 5 is stunning in the lack of a better word. Don’t forget that you will get all of the benefits as soon as you start taking the supplement. As a matter of fact, this is one of the fastest supplements on the planet.
Does PhenQ work?
Yes, it does work. This may be the simplest answer possible, but also it is the most accurate. The demand for this supplement has been on an incline over the past year and now it is increased by 300%.
This fact only should help you understand that the supplement is safe, reliable, and obviously effective.
The supplement is effective thanks to the ingredients and their combination of effects.
All of them are safe for the human body and most of them are present in everyday life, but in much smaller amounts than we need to weight loss process.
The supplement comes with carefully selected ingredients that are safe for the human body and mind. When mixed, they provide all 5 benefits you were able to see earlier. Obviously, a single benefit won’t be very effective, but all 5 of them are more powerful than you can imagine.
In percentage, we can see that the supplement is effective in 95%whcih is significantly higher than other products of the same kind. For instance, most of them are effective between 40 and 55%.
PhenQ has been involved in countless studies. Most of them are conducted in the United States where scientists determined that the supplement is safe for the human body, highly effective and comes without major side effects.
You probably know that the supplement is available for sale in the United States. In order to be allowed, it must pass stick rules and requirements mandated by FDA. Well, this powerful supplement has passed all of them and it is legally available online. It is also manufactured in the United States, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to find it.
When it comes to Europe and Asia, the supplement has been involved in over 33 studies. Most of them were conducted in England, but there are a few of them conducted in China and one in Dubai. All of them proved that PhenQ works and it is safe for consumers.
Is PhenQ Safe?
Yes, it is safe, and there are two ways how we know this. The first is the data obtained from the studies. Each one of them proved that the supplement is safe to use and effective in the weight loss process. There were no major issues reported and there are no complications you have to worry about.
The second way how we know this is obvious. There are a lot of testimonials and reviews of the users from all parts of the globe. The increase in demand has been in incline for the last year, so we can deduce that the supplement is more than just safe and helpful.
Overall, the supplement is safe thanks to the ingredients and their amounts. All of them are natural and there are no artificial chemicals added. There are no aggressive substances either, so the bottom line is the fact PhenQ is safe to use.
PhenQ Ingredients
In the PhenQ review, we have mentioned ingredients several times. However, now we should define them and explain what purpose each one of them has.
Capsicum extract comes from red hot chili peppers and it has two main purposes. The first one is improving the lipid breaking down properties meaning that your body will burn more fat and store less of it. The second purpose is boosting the calorie-burning capability. What this means is that a body will transfer more calories into heat, therefore decrease the amount of calorie your body has to deal with.
Chromium picolinate comes from the chromium mineral. It is normally present in vegetables and meat, but in much smaller amounts. What it does is boost the function of the pancreas and it has a positive effect on insulin level. Insulin is the main chemical needed for breaking down fat, protein, and carbs. At the same time it will give you the feeling of fullness, so you will have less craving to eat.
Nopal contains vitamins such as A, B (B1, B2, and B3) and C. It also contains magnesium, calcium, sodium and etc. All of this will make sure you have a need to eat less than ever before. At the same time, your body will be able to burn more and store less fat. In other words, you will lose weight thanks to Nopal.
It comes from calcium mineral and it is effective in several ways. First of all, it will make your bones and teeth stronger than ever before. It will also signalize the body when to stop storing fat, which significantly decreases the weight gain risk. According to a study conducted in 2009, Calcium carbonate helps in decreasing weight, simply because it involves fewer calories than similar ingredients and make you feel full for a long period of time.
Caffeine is usually present in coffee and several other beverages. It is effective due to the fact it decreases the hunger and improves energy level. Precisely this is the main ingredient which provides higher energy levels.
α-lacys reset is important thanks to the presence of the alpha-lipoid acid. It boosts the metabolism, which will increase the fat burning process and at the same time, it will decrease the number of free radicals.
This is an essential ingredient. The main purpose is literally guiding fatty blocks to the elements in the cells known as mitochondria where they are processed. L-carnitine fumarate simply improves this action. It is commonly found in nuts, vegetables, and meat, but in smaller amounts than your body needs for losing weight.
PhenQ side effects
There are just a few minor side effects of this supplement. They are:
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Upset stomach
- Dry mouth
In most cases, your body will need some time to get used to the supplement. Once the adjustment period is done, you won’t suffer from any side effect mentioned above. Only 5% of the users reported these side effects, but we still had to include them.
PhenQ customer reviews
“I have been using PhenQ fat burner for 2 weeks and I am more than just satisfied. It is effective, easy to use and already started losing weight.” – Linda
“I lost 20 pounds with this supplement. Perfect and easy.” – Todd Williams
“It is like magic. I didn’t feel any of the side effects and I lost weight.” – Katrina Hall
“There is no need to make any adjustments to your lifestyle if you use PhenQ.” – Pamela
“Over the last 10 years, I tried every single possible way of losing weight. I can say that this one is the most effective.” – Barbara Johnson
“It is so fast that you should keep track of how much weight you lost.” – Sarah Lawson
“My mother started with the supplement and I joined her after 3 weeks. Today, she is 30 ponds ‘’lighter’’ and I am 40 pounds cuter.” – Lori Mills
“Due to my job I wasn’t able to lose weight. With the supplement, I finally managed to adjust my appearance.” – Melissa West
“My wife and I have been using the supplement for 2 months. We eat less, we are happy and we are always active. Yes, we are skinny as well.” – Robbert
PhenQ results
The most important thing you will have to remember is that PhenQ works and you will actually lose weight. However, there are several factors that will determine the speed of the process and how much weight you can lose per week.
For instance, your diet, your gender, age, work, stress level, and the weight. For instance, younger males who are active will lose weight much faster than seniors who don’t have plenty of physical activity.
The most important thing is to continue using the supplement as long as you want to lose weight. In general, you can expect around 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week.
This amount can be higher if you make additional adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. But, even if you have the same lifestyle and the same diet as you have today, you will still lose 2 pounds per week.
The supplement is safe for us all. Even children can use it and definitely seniors. Just in case, be free to check the usage with your healthcare provider.
Testimonials before and after
- 20 pounds are shredded from my body. I feel better than ever before.
- 10 pounds lost. Going for 50 now.
- I lost 15 pounds and I feel better than ever before.
- What a journey. 60 pounds lost already. My friends can’t recognize me!
- Soon I will have to stop using PhenQ. I lost 89 pounds.
- Lost 16 pounds in one month. Perfect.
- The phenq scam doesn’t exist. I know because I lost 33 pounds and I have proof!
- 17 pounds are away from my life.
- I look better than ever and I have more energy than all my friends. Yes, I also lost 22 pounds. Maybe this is the answer.
- Finally, I found a way to lose weight. I have been trying for the last decade and today I present you my results. 40 pounds lost!
- I lost 20 pounds, which is decent. I am satisfied. But, I also noticed that the weight doesn’t come back.
- What to say except well done I lost 60 pounds. 20 more to go and I will finally look like I always wanted.
- My husband and I have been using the supplement for 10 months. We look like when we met.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who should use PhenQ?
All of you who are looking for a safe and natural way to lose weight.
2. How long I must use the supplement?
As long as you want to lose weight. The duration will depend on your goal.
3. Should I continue using pills after I lost weight?
If you have reached your goal, there is no need to use pills anymore. Use them until you lose the desired amount of weight.
4. Will pounds come back?
No, they will never come back.
5. How to take the pills?
Take one in the morning before breakfast and another before lunch. You are done. Don’t take the pill after 3 p.m.
6. Are there any special actions I must do?
No. Just take the pills and you will notice the weight shredding each week.
7. How long I must wait to see the first results?
The first results are visible after 7 days. Of course, in order to notice some major improvement, you should wait for 2-3 weeks.
8. Is there any limitation I must follow?
No, there isn’t. Keep in mind that there is no need to take more than 2 pills per day.
9. Can I order more than just one bottle?
Yes, and you will even get a major discount if you do.
10. How many bottles do I need to reach my goal?
Between 2 and 3. It depends on your goal.
11. Can I order PhenQ in a local store?
No, you can’t. It is available only online.
12. Who makes the supplement?
The supplement is made by BUQ Group.
13. Where the supplement is made?
At the moment it is made in the United Kingdom and the United States.
14. What are the side effects?
They are Nausea, Diarrhea, Upset stomach, and Dry mouth. There are no major side effects.
15. Do all people suffer from side effects?
No, only 5% reported side effects.
16. Must I become more physically active while using PhenQ?
No, you don’t have to do anything. It isn’t required from users to add a physical activity or to change diet while using the supplement.
17. How much the supplement is actually effective?
It is effective in 95% cases.
Should you buy PhenQ?
Of all phentermine alternatives, you can find today, PhenQ is the best one. First of all, it is a safe and reliable way to lose weight without having any side effects whatsoever.
It is extremely easy to use. All you have to do is take 2 pills per day and you are done. The bottom line is it is a safe and effective way for losing weight. If you want to lose weight you will need this supplement.
It is important to add that if you have tried different weight-losing methods and none of them work, you should start with this supplement. It is very effective, easy to use and it comes without major side effects.
PhenQ is an outstanding supplement that can be used by all of you. It is safe, reliable, effective and affordable. You will like using it and you will like measuring the weight every single week because it will go in one direction only, it will go down.
It consists of natural ingredients and comes without major side effects. Besides losing weight, you will also notice higher energy levels, have a need to eat less and you will be in a much better mood.